Fantastic Sahara Morocco                 '02,1,24
ーーー Time slip for visit to the Islamic history and culture −−ー     '02, 2, 02

                                                                 to Japanese

 Morocco that has many world heritage produced fresh surprise for us,the Sunset Earth・ Living people
in hard desert・the old city that is guarded by kasbah and Maze, etc.
Specially,the Medina that smell the medieval Islam was brimming over with life.
They cry「Careful ! Careful !」pulling a donkey with baggage.And a street vendor's call out at everywhere.
Perhaps,we came here by time slip a few century.

 1st day  to Amsterdam via Saporo from Nagoya. arrival to Casablanca at midnight(time difference:-9hour)
 2nd day after sightseeing in Rabat and Meknes, to first destination Fez.
 3rd day  sightseeing in the Medina that has complicated maze.
 4th day  going over Atlas,to the second destination Erfoud. 460Km from Fez.
 5th day  in the early morning,enjoying sunrise on the Ouarzazate via the Kasbah highway.
 6th day  sightseeing the dotted our goal Marrakkech going over the Haut Atlas.
 7th day  sightseeing the Maze of Souks and the Place Jemaa el Fna etc.
 8th day  to Casablanca by a train. sightseeing the Mosquee hassan Uetc.
 9th day  starting Casablanca in the early morning,arrival to Kansai Airport in the next mornjng via

 Group who lived under the same roof
  rear  K,Suzuki・Y,Kume・ T,Yamamoto
  front Y,Saito・ M,Suzuki・ H,Niimura

 The world heritage in Morocco
@Fez el Bali (the Medina in the 9th century)
AMeknes(the Medina in the 17th century)   
BAit Ben Haddou(the Ksbah in the 7thcentury   
CMarrakkech(the greatestMedinainnorthAfrica)
DVolubilis(the greatest sncient Rome remains
  in Morocco)

 A reference of a travel
@Security  It's generally good. But there are a pickpocket and a snatch everywhere.
AGuide    You must employ a formal spot guide. Act with a guide night and day. It's far better.
BWeather  It's winter force in the morning desert. Cope with on top of one another wear.
         (need gloves)
CMeal     Le tajine and Le couscous have weak taste.(have a salt)
         If you have bad condition, don't eat frsh vegetables.
DWater    Mineral water is the best except Japan.( 1,5liter 60yen at general store)
         If I imagine to have loose bowels, I want to use a mineral water when I wash out my mouth.
EPrices    A souvenir hasn't the price.They overcharge to Japanese.
         Sometime 10times as much as a price.
         Generally, start from 30%price, negotiate for 50%price or less.
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