The Kasbah highway

 Kasbah and Ksar 
 The Ksbah is a fortress that is surrounded by walls.
It's 350Km from Ouarzazate to Er-rchidia.
They say The Ksar about Berber's community
that is surrounded by a fortrss.

 There are a variety of the kasbah large and small with oasis at the road.
I heard,Kasbah de Glaoui famous. but I don't understand which is which as too many.
Aborigine Glaoui is a commander of Marrakkech in the early years of the 20century.

 Gorges du Todora 
 There is the Todora where well up Todora river's beginning.
It's confronted a rock wall face 20〜30m high,
The wall hung over at a restaurant. We never look in Japan.
I think,here invite our longing to Desert since the movie「Lawrence in Arabia」

  That ! Tariban?

 Ait Ben Haddou

 The village is the so-called one of the Ksar.There are a pass like a maze, a mark of a battery, a loophole,
a lookout place and etc in the big gate. That's an impregnable fortress.The left side is tumble-down Ksar.
 Here is famous point as a location of movie「Lawrence in Arabia」 and 「A jewel in Nile」

Three family live in here now.
We were treated a mint tea in the wide drawing room.
