Holiday in Australia
                  International friendship in"the Indian Pacific"?      to Japanese

1 Outline of the travel
We have taken a train " the Indian Pacific" in Jan '99.
The deluxe train take 65 hours from Sydney to Perth.
And the distance is 4350Km.
 We had a very good time. Small number travel is freedom.
In a train, we made friends with many foreigners people by fishy English.

.2 A party of 5 persons
  We are 5 persons who celebrated our Kanreki(just 60 years old)
                             from left
Mr.Kenji Suzuki
Mr.Hideo Niimura
Mr.Katsunami Ito
Mr.Masaaki Suzuki
Mr.Yoshiharu Kume

3  Schedule
1st day : from Japan to Sydney(transfer at Cairns)
2nd day :in"the Indian Pacific" (after sightseeing at Sydney)
3rd day : in"the Indian Pacific"(sightseeing at Adelaide)
4th day : in"the Indian Pacific" (Cook and Nullabor)
5th day :arrived to Perth (Kalgoorlie and Fremantle sightseeing)
6th day :the Pinnacles sightseeing
7th day :from Perth to Japan (after sightseeing at Perth)
8th day :arrived to Japan 

4 Reference
(1) Order a ticket before 3 month (think about reverse course)
(2) Be quarantined (it's clever. Because the check is severe. That way is inversely quick)
(3) If you are veteran, holiday class is better (many national characters)
(4) Casino is best for money changing (a charge and a rate)
(5) Specially high priced goods beat down very much the price
  (tax free store isn't always low price)
(6) A cap, sun_glasses and suntan cream are necessities                                        

Please your message
  I'm learning English conversation.
 I hope you will be kind enough to point out mistakes of sentence.
 The old man said "It's never too late to learn.
 In Japan "It's the study from the 60 years old.