A g r a

 The day had already grown dark when we arrived at Argra by the car and the train from Khajuraho.
This process was also long.
We heard the history of Argra was a record as the city of the third century at B.C. old, and a capital in the 16th

 Taj Mahal 

 Notes of guide
 The vendor obstinately sells. If you do not need,
don't deal with him and don't look into their goods.
You are made to buy it if you banter.
I pay all necessary admission fees. pass disregarding
it even if something is said by other people.
It's a free time for 15 minutes from now.
Please gather in here when you finish taking
the photograph.
Even if he said so, we can't do to pay nothing
when explained to a local person.
 It's famous as the most beautiful grave in the world. And it'is a building of 67m in height that is in commodious premises
When his princess whom the Jaharn emperor loved passionately died, he tried to express the sadness and the love in 1631.
He built with valuable stones that had been collected from all parts of the world in 22 years.
It is too beautiful, I spring neither the charm nor the interest. Is it the same as the woman?

 Agra castle

 This castle that soars in the Yamunar riverside is a symbol of the power of Mughal Empire built by emperor Acbal in 1565.
Though the face is a prison, it is a really beautiful, stately castle that have builded with red sandstone.
I heard that the majority of ground were the military land .
The Jaharn emperor was imprisoned by his son Ourangzab in this castle.
And I heard, he finished all his life while he seeing the Targe Maharl that he built.

 Fatehpur Sikri
  Emperor the third generation Acbal of the
Mugal dynasty was ruling the north parts of India. He born son by the prophecy of the saint on
this ground, and moved the capital city to this
ground in 1571. But he left by the shortage of water in only 14 years.
I heard , "Fatehpur Sikri"is a meaning of
"Capital of victory".
