Street,Village and Children

 The time of India flows quietly., and the scenery that coexisted persons and domestic animals is peacefully truly.
But only the car is noisy and hasty. Why?
They sound to excess his klaxon, and they cut into the line if there is a space even just a little.
It is very difficult that we drive for myself rental car.

 It is never sanitary even if going to any village. But an insanitary feeling is not because it is dry.
Around here is a wide granary area, I heard They worked for large landowner at the farming season.
They said we are never playing day after day.
When we are staying in India few days, everyone remember the word"Namasta".
It is a meaning of "Good afternoon! and Good evening!". It looks like "Gddai" of Aus. we can also conveniently use it all day.

 Children shines ox-eyed and pretty. If we carelessly give them presents, it is serious, because they try to monopolize everything.
Uncertain owner's domestic animal is walking on the road. They are obstructing the car.
The goat that looks like the tortoiseshell cat is beautiful. On the way we saw only two cats.
We saw black pigs with children. I heard they are bad-tasting for hunting garbage.
You have to get angry if you are said "You look like that donkey. " a donkey that comes to a standstill on the road is pointed at,
I heard "it mean foolish"

 Travel postscript
 Our travel faced the last stage,when we become accustomed to the difference of the nationality, thin time sense,coexistence
with domestic animal,customof avoiding sake and meat etc.
It traveled this region, there were a little diarrhea and an a little constipated member.
The person said "If it is the extent, it is splendid"
I don't want to say Mr. so-and-so,there was a person who made a fuss at the airport "There isn't my passport"
He was not found though he opened all trunks and rucksacks before about 100 people such as guides and redcaps watch.
Though after all there was it in the car, anyway, this will become a topic that remains in the relish of sake until the future
though it was a sensational act.
I thought, India after ten years will change. But The unusual object might be only a pavement ratio.
It was travel to feel so.
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