Guilin sightseeing

  Reed Flute rock(uncertain)

  A tour route is about 700m distance in the cave.It produce afantastic image by lights of seven colors.
Someone said"It's a wonrerful view than the Akiyosidai in Japan"
The big hall become a shelter that can accommodate a thousand person when disaster.
A flashlight undershoot the target too far.
 A guide said"How many is there the rock like Leo? Everybody! don't's 16"(Lion=sisi=4x4)
"Can you see a rock like a frog? Now the return is this way!"(frog=kaeru=come back)
A cave echoed with laughter his poor joke that Japanese was put to shame.

 It's rather easy! you are opening a mouth when you are turning to upon your face for a long time.
 Folded Brocade hill

 I heard,there were living in old Guilin many public servant who was relegated.
And they had sighed over their misfortune and consoled with each other on the mountain.
At an entrance to a cave,there was a sign"願作桂林人不願作神仙". That's real double Dutch.

 Elephant hill park                                        

A Zamboa vendor in Guilin
Don't knockdown the price!

 It looks like a elaphant that is drinking a water.
Young girls who have on a gaudy native dress said"Hi papa! picture! picture!"
And they are taken for us together in a souvenir picture for 5Yuan.
It's wonderful thing that they are young.Because they can get 70yen while just a moment.

 Seven star park


 A guide said" There is a greatest  camel and a longest lived Panda in the world"
There was surely a big rock like a camel.And I heard a 3year old Panda is 99year old people.
I didn't think that I could see it at close.

 Think about travel
  Deep emotion was rather scanty unusally this travel.
Put another way, it wasn't as good as I had expected.Because it was often televised a TV.
Also this time was light hearted trip because of package tour.
I lacked even seriousness at last,I forgot a rucksack into the bus.
It was a poor happening.  
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