Banteay Srei

 The Entrance             The Oriental Mona Lisa      Injured of a Land mine
 It's a temple site with light red sandstone that biult in 10th century.
It's called "The Woman's fort.The wall has gorgeous statues that it has a motive Hindu Myths.
The image of a goddess that be called best of the Angkor art.
I hear that a visitor increased in number from it was going to stolen.
The young men took damage of a mine is skillfully playing a traditional music.
And they took some money thanks to it. 
 The road from Wat to here is abouto 40Km,and very bad.I hear it has a hold up man some time. 
A guide said 「We soon arrive at our destination. Relieve oneself around there.」   


A street scene              
   A drinking water store.        A small gift shop.           It striking women and kids only.       

 Ta Prohm

 The temple has been built JayaValmanZ in 13th century.    The room echo Gohn-Gohn when I hit
It has been covered with Gadumal from lost by Ayutthaya.    my breast.
 But when I hit my hed,it echo Karakara.
                                          KaraKara mean a sound effects of empty.

 Tonle Sap

 The Tonle Sap looks like the ocean. It's a biggest lake in the Orient. And it didn't make a pictuer too big.
We saw a poor person of life at sea with my own eyes. And I heard myself saying"We are really happy"