Angkor Sites Group

 Angkor Thom

 Enter of Angkor thom

It looks like a castle gate than enter.
 The great castle builded up Khmer dynasty Jaya ValmanZ
in 13th century.
The circuit of trench has 3Km square.
It's called a great city.


 A Panorama of Center Tower          The Inside Of Tower

 It foll into ruin fholly,but I felt it natural beauty. 
There are a royal house and a temple that has 196 stone-built site and 49 spire.
The kwannnon bodhisattva that slightly smile is called "The smile of khmer"

 The interesting window
I really want to take a photograph beautiful young woman!

 The rest
 Long and little rest? It's good! Because,we have s saving the free holiday.
The wall is painted a war vs Siam and Vietnam.

Sales children
talk very well Japanese.And they are clinging quite be fed up.            
  But,they quickly tame down when we point a camera at them. As I thought,they are children yet.
