S a n c h i

 We moved from Bshawarl to Bhopal by the night train. But we waited for two hours till the train comes.
Don't rush it here.I heard, they don't say in India "were delay" if arriving in during today.
And I heard they begin to take a problem if starting on schedule.
In the station premises, sake and the cigarette are the prohibitions.
Driver run to crossed the Deccan Plateau on shortcut to Bshawarl.
It's two hours between there, and it required 6 hours from there to Hobarl with the sleeper train.
And we arrived to Bhopal at predawn.

 The big Stuba
 There was big tower on the hill in wide grass for 2,000 years.
King Ashorca was reigning over a country by the Buddhism in three century in BC. This is Stubar made for that
Though we did not put in the inside,I heard it is a grave
where Btta and high priest's bone are put in.


 There are three Stuba, the first tower is 36m in diameter and 16m in height.
Other Stubar is watched poorly.
This tower is surrounded by the gate with all sides of.
Btta through life and the story of the previous life is sculptured elaborately to the gate.
She was the only woman spot guide that we met in India.

 Bimbetoca rock Sanctuary
It's a big roc in top of a small mountain. It was result of bottom of the sea's upheaving like the Himalayas.
And it seems a hill where the primitive man may living really.
The wall painting was drawn in the rock about 20 places.
Many of the pictures were hunter,elephants ,lions, cows, horses, deers, and pigs etc.

 The picture like white is 10,000 years ago,the red is 5,000 years ago,and the yellow is 2,000 years ago.
The same white has a mere scribbling several in few years ago.
Guide said "A tiger is cooling oneself in shadow of a rock at the summer time." But he will not guide us to such a place.
May be it was his joke because there was not a sign of "Danger" either.
However, the distant view looked at from the top of a mountain was mysterious.
If he said, "There is a tiger still", I did not think mysterious.
