D e l h i

 Many dynasties repeated the rise and fall from ancient times in Delhi.
India of recent years was under the control of Britain, and India of recent years spent every day to the fight
under the control of Britain.
And "Delhi is far. " Is it an unmeasured dream or will be hope for the Indian ?
In India, there is the class system, and there is a big gap between rich and poor.
The improvement is still like the far distance.

 India Gate

This is monument of India soldier 90,000 people who fought in World War I .
They fought as a British army in the front. And they were killed with never rewarding.
The monument of 42m that smokes to morning haze holds an empty sentiment.
 Humayun's Tomb

 This is a big and beautiful tomb that Humayun emperor's consort
built in 1565.
A white marble was buried under the wall of red sandstone.
It is too beautiful to call a tomb.
It is said that it became the model of Targe Maharl.
It certainly looks like.

 Qutab Minar

 Slave Dynasty Qutab is a tower built in commemoration of the victory of the fight with the Hindu.
It became 72 and 5m due to the air accident though it is the 100m height before.
Red sandstone was used for the lower side, the marble and sandstone were used for the upper part.
This is the highest and oldest Islam ruins in India.
It was able to climb the spiral staircase before. It has been prohibited to climb it after child's accident.

 The person of future generations tried to
build a higher tower、but it ended in the plan only.
This is the basic part.

 Lakshmi Narayan Temple

 The millionaire is a temple contributed in atonement for himself in 1938.
There are Shiva god and a Buddhist temple, the believer is accepted widely.
But it only is still new and beautiful.
The millionaire seem to have accumulated an estate by doing wrong from long ago.

 A snake charmer was making two cobras dance by an unskilled music.
When we took their photograph, he came running after"Give me money"

 National Museum
 We are out of character such as museums. But when we noticed, we had been visiting two hours.
In the museum,the history from Indus Valley civilization to the Middle Ages and modern ages had been exhibited.
The stamp of Indus Valley civilization・Sculpture of Hinduism buddhist temple・armor and ethnic costume etc.


 Mugarl empire emperor who was ruling Indian northern part in the Middle Ages
   (They appear surely in the sightseeing of Delhi and Agra)
Founder   Barbl(1526〜1530)    He becames a ruler in Delhi in place of the Rorde dynasty.
 Seconder  Humayun(1530〜1556)  He was defeated at the fight after He reigned for ten years.
                              But he again recaptured Delhi in 15 years.
 The third   Acbal(1556〜1605)    He ascended the throne at the age of 13.
                            And he built the Agra castle and theFatehpur Sikri.
 The fourth  Jaharngel(1605〜1627) He was an emperor who enjoyed the painting and landscape gardening.
 The fifth  Shah Jaharn(1628〜1657) He built Taj Mahal.
 The sixth   Ourangzab(1658〜1707) He has expanded power to Deccan Plateau.
                           And He imprisoned his father in the Agra castle.